
New to the novel way of typing in Arabic Intellark?
Intellark TutorialMaster it through easy to follow examples provided in this page, or through the interactive and complete tutorial that takes about one hour to complete! The tutorial comes with figures and unprecedented information about Arabic letters.
أجديد على طريقة الطباعة الحديثة بالعربي انتلارك؟
Intellark Tutorialأتقنها باتباع أمثلة تعليم سريعة تجده في هذه الصفحة، أو عبر درس تعليمي تفاعلي كامل تتقن فيه انتلارك في غضون ساعة واحدة! الدرس مزود بأشكال ومعلومات شيقة غير مسبوقة عن الحروف العربية.

Intellark TutorialWelcome to the Intellark's mini-intro-panel

New to Intellark — the novel way of typing in Arabic? Master it through easy to follow examples provided in this page, or through the interactive and complete tutorial that takes about one hour to complete! The tutorial comes with figures and unprecedented information about Arabic letters.عربي

Intellark Tutorialأهلاً وسهلاً في ساحة-التعريف-المبسطة لانتلارك 

أجديد على انتلارك — طريقة الطباعة الحديثة بالعربي؟ أتقنها باتباع أمثلة تعليم سريعة تجدها في هذه الصفحة، أو عبر درس تعليمي تفاعلي كامل تتقن فيه انتلارك في غضون ساعة واحدة! الدرس مزود بأشكال ومعلومات شيقة غير مسبوقة عن الحروف العربية. English

👋👋👋 جربوا أعناب🍇، الباحث عن كلمات القرآن الكريم بدقة وسرعة فائقتين. هنا ڤيديو من 6 دقائق للتعرف عليها، وهنا ڤيديو مفصل من 30 دقيقة، وهنا التطبيق.

👋👋👋 Try Anab 🍇, the Quran words retriever with amazing accuracy and speed. Here is an introductory 6 minute video, here is a detailed 30 minute video, and here is the app.



Intellark is Intellaren's Arabic keyboard layout, a new patented intuitive and easy keyboard layout for typing in Arabic. It is designed for keyboard typists who type using Latin-based keyboard layouts, but wish to use their typing knowledge to type in languages that are scripted using the Arabic alphabet.

For a quick usage guide, please:

  • Click the "i" information button in the Intellark Notepad above to learn about the logical location of keyboard keys
  • Click on the "More on Intellark Typing?" in the "i" button popup dialog to start with very simple-to-follow examples
  • See the sections below on "How Intellark works" and follow the "Quick Examples" found therein

A complete one-hour interactive tutorial that teaches you Intellark with videos, audio, figures and other interesting support material is available. Enjoy this educational tutorial now and tell us what you think in the comment box below.


How Intellark Works

Intellark uses your typing-in-Latin knowledge, and your knowledge about Arabic alphabetical ordering to let you learn to type in Arabic quickly and intuitively. If English and Arabic letters sound the same, use them. If Arabic letters among themselves are related in shape or sound, type them twice or more very rapidly. Follow these simple and straight forward examples.
  • To write ا , type in the above Intellark Notepad above
  • To write أ , type a2, which means: type a twice within a fraction of a second (like a double-tap)
  • To write إ , either type a3 , or A3 , where the latter means type a 3 fast consecutive times while holding down the Shift key
  • Letters b, c, j, s and k sound like and remind us of  س ,  ج , ص  , ب  and  ك . Try type them now
  • Typing Letters  س ,  د ,  ا  and  ص  twice rapidly displays Letters  ذ ,  أ  and  ض . Try type them now
  • It is as if the first key tap displays the Arabic letter, and the second tap puts a hamza or a dot on it
  • This video shows you how the following letters are typed:    
    • آ , آ , إ , أ , ا  again with the aid of the Shift key, and ء
    • س  and  ش
    • د  and  ذ
    • ث , ة , ت  and  ث  again with the aid of the Shift key

    In the following table, Arabic letters are displayed according to their alphabetical order. Under each character is the English letter that displays it, together with number of required presses shown as an exponent if it is greater than 1.

Quick Examples

Each example below shows some Arabic text and the keys needed to type it (type them above now). Note that:

  • A letter with an exponent such as s2 means you should type s twice very quickly to get the letter  ش .
  • Intellark is case-sensitive, so typing the letters a and A produces different outputs. Our full tutorial page explains the logic behind this behavior.
  • The last sentence introduces tashkeel (diacritics).  
wld w bnt   ولد و بنت
‎s2ms (or Sms) w qmr   شمس و قمر
smaA (or smaa5) w a2rc2 (or a2rC)   سماء و أرض
filfil, korkom w bucul   فِلفِل، كُركُم و بَصَل

More about Intellark...

To learn all you need about Intellark, the logic behind the English-to-Arabic key map, the means to mastering it in quickly through interactive tutorials, and to see several other images of it, visit the Intellark Tutorial Page now.

انتلارك هي لوحة طباعة انتلرن، لوحة بديهية وبسيطة التعلم للطباعة بالعربي ذات براءة اختراع. انتلارك مصممة للطابعين الذين يستخدمون حالياً لوحات طباعة ذات أسس لاتينية، ولكن يتمنون أن ينقلوا خبرتهم في الطباعة إلى اللغات التي تعتمد على الحروف العربية.

لتتعلم انتلارك بسرعة، من فضلك:

  • إضغط على زر الـ "i" للمعلومات في ساحة انتلارك للكتابة في الأعلى للتعرف على المواقع المنطقية لمفاتيح اللوحة الجديدة
  • إضغط على رابط "?More on Intellark Typing" عند ظهور صندوق الـ "i" للبدء في تعلم انتلارك بأمثلة بسيطة
  • مر على أجزاء الوثيقة "كيف تعمل انتلارك" و "أمثلة سريعة" في الأسفل

يوجد درس تعليمي تفاعلي كامل يؤخذ في ساعة واحدة يحتوي على عروض ڤيديو، صوتيات، أشكال ومعلومات شيقة أخرى عن الحروف العربية. تمتع بهذا الدرس التعليمي الآن وأخبرنا عن تجربتك مع انتلارك في صندوق التعليقات بالأسفل.


كيف تعمل انتلارك

انتلارك تسخدم معرفتك في الطباعة باللاتينية، ومعرفتك في ترتيب الحروف العربية لتقدرك على الطباعة بالعربية بسرعة وببديهية. غامة، لو كان اللفظ الصوتي بين الحروف الإنجليزية متماثل، استخدم تلك الحروف إذًا. لو وجدت علاقة بين الحروف العربية فيما ذات بينها، اطبعهم مرتين أو أكثر وبسرعة. اتبع هذه الأمثلة البسيطة.

  • لكتابة ا، إضغط على a  في ساحة الكتابة Intellark Notepad المزودة في الأعلى
  • لكتابة أ، اطبع ا2، والذي يعني: اضغط على ا (أي a) مريتن متتاليتين في جزء من الثانية
  • لكتابة إ، اطبع إما ا3، أو 3A، حيث تعني الأخيرة أن تطبع ا (أي a) ثلاث مرات متتاليات أثناء الضغط على مفتاح التبديل (Shift)
  • الحروف s ، j ، c ، b  و  k  لها نفس اللفظ وتذكرنا بالحروف ب، ص، ج، س و ك. جرب طباعتهم الآن
  • طباعة الحروف ا، د، س، و ص مرتين سريعًا يعرض لنا الحروف أ، ذ، ش و ض. جربهم الآن
  • إنها كما لو أن الضغطة الأولى على المفتاح تعرض الحرف العربي، والضغطة الثانية تضع همزة أو نقطة عليه
  • هذا الڤيديو يعرض كيفية طباعة هذه الحروف:
    • ا، أ، إ، آ، آ مرة أخرى بالإستعانة بمفتاح التبديل (Shift)، ثم  ء
    • س  و  ش
    • د  و  ذ
    • ت، ة، ث  و  ث مرة أخرى بالإستعانة بمفتاح التبديل

تجدون في الجدول الآتي الحروف العربية معروضة على حسب ترتيبها الهجائي. تجدون تحت كل حرف أو علامة الحرف الإنجليزي المطلوب لطباعة ذلك الحرف مصحوبا بعدد الضغطات كأُسٍّ إن كانت قيمته أكثر من واحد لطباعة ذلك الحرف.


أمثلة سريعة


كل من الأمثلة الآتية يعرض نصًّا عربيًّا مع المفاتيح اللازمة لطبعه (إطبعهم في الساحة المزودة في الأعلى الآن):

  • وجود حرف مع أس مثل s2 يعني أن عليك أن تضغط على حرف s مرتين متتاليتين وبسرعة للحصول على حرف ش
  • انتلارك حساسة لمفاتيح التبديل (shift, caps)، فتحصلون على نتائج مختلفة عند الضغط على حرفي a و A. صفحة الدرس التعليمي الكاملة توضح الأسباب وراء هذا المنطق
  • الجملة الأخيرة تقدم الطبع بالتشكيل


wld w bnt   ولد و بنت
‎s2ms (or Sms) w qmr   شمس و قمر
smaA (or smaa5) w a2rc2 (or a2rC)   سماء و أرض
filfil, korkom w bucul   فِلفِل، كُركُم و بَصَل

المزيد عن انتلارك...

لتتعلم أكثر عن انتلارك، الأسباب وراء التوفيق بين المفاتيح الإنجليزية والعربية بالشكل الذي ترونه، طرق تعلمها بسرعة عبر دروس تفاعلية ولرؤية عدة صور عنها، زوروا صفحة الدرس التعليمي لإنتلارك الآن.



Comments (30)Add Comment
ID: 266
By: mohsen
May 16, 2021
Votes: +0
Re: wasl

Sorry, no means of typing "wasl" in intellark. Hamzat-wasl is for Quranic purposes only, and it not part of the standard taskkeel characters used in Arabic.

ID: 262
By: Hollis Martin
February 25, 2021
Votes: +0

How does one type ٱ on Intellark?

ID: 168
By: Typing Tutor Software
October 21, 2015
Votes: +0
Typing Tutor Software

First of all, congratulations on your research, which is a real linguistic breakthrough in the arabic language.
I have been looking for a arabic typing tutor software for years, and the best I could find was the arabic online version of typing master software
Yet, they are shutting down business, so the market is practically empty. I sent an email to the company asking whether they were considering selling a commercial version thereof, but unfortunately they are not.
Since the english version of the software uses templates developed in accordance to the frequency of appearance of the different combinations of letters, I wonder whether it would be possible for someone who has access to the online version to take a look at their templates and then create a new software.
Otherwise, I would like to know what alternatives there are.

Hope to hear news soon.
Thank in advance.

ID: 167
By: Adnan
October 08, 2015
Votes: +0
Great work!

I am looking forward for the Windows 10 Installer!

ID: 166
By: Omnai
September 29, 2015
Votes: +0
loveeeeeeeeeeee it

omg this is amazing ~ thanks smilies/smiley.gif i just commenced learning arabic online and when the instructor says to type the word "...etc".......i'm forever trying to work out which key goes with the corresponding arabic key.......your keyboard solves the problem

thanks for this smilies/smiley.gif

ID: 165
By: mohsen
September 03, 2015
Votes: +0
Re: Using the keyboard on Word 2013

Thank you for your comment Aisha. Sorry it isn't available on platforms such as Windows or Mac. Very soon Intellark will be available on Android. Will be looking into creating installable versions for Mac and Windows right after.

ID: 164
By: Aisha
September 03, 2015
Votes: +0
Using the keyboard on Word 2013

First thank you for developing this software. I have tested the exercises and would definitely wish to use this keyboard on a daily basis. How can use this wonderful keyboard on Word? Unfortunately cant seem to find instructions to this in the tutorial or any other part of the website.

ID: 163
By: mohsen
August 04, 2015
Votes: +0
re: software for intellark

Thank you for your comment Sabiha. I have received many requests to have intellark as a product be installed on different systems, too many requests to ignore in fact. Will be working on them soon I promise. Very shortly will have one that can be installed and played on Android-based phones. A message will appear on our pages. On computers next.

ID: 161
By: Sabiha
August 04, 2015
Votes: +1
software for intellark

Thank you for this brilliant product. It enables me to type as fast in Arabic as I can in English. However, the formatting gets messed up if I copy and paste in a word document. Is there a downloadable version of the product or one for purchase? I would like to install the software in my computer,so I can type directly in word. Kindly advise. I couldn't find any option on the website for purchasing software

ID: 148
By: aboo foondun
February 27, 2015
Votes: +1
unicode symbol for areabic article 'al'

The arabic article 'al' is used very often indeed. we need a seperate unicode character for it rather than a combination of a and l. And thus a seperate key for that character on the keyboard, say double tap of 'l'. This would facilitate transliteration greatly.

Maybe the unicode consortium should be approached regarding that.

I am working o a transliteration system for quranic arabic. Hope fully I will share it when it is finished.

ID: 146
By: Abdul Vahid
October 17, 2014
Votes: +0
Thank you..!!!

اسلام الايكُم
Thank you for simplifying my Arabic typing and this website helped me to learn Arabic typing..... smilies/smiley.gifsmilies/smiley.gifsmilies/smiley.gif

ID: 121
By: Mohsen
September 10, 2013
Votes: +0
Re: Anglo-Arabic Orthography

Thank you for your post. I have considered adding the other pseudo-Arabic letters to Intellark when I was developing it, but thought it would be overwhelming to Arabic typists who are not familiar with Urdu or Farsi letters. As a result, I thought that in the future (no date yet) I would develop a something like an Intellark+ where all the letters you mentioned would be added.

At this time, Intellark comes in only the one flavor you see here, Arabic letters + the letters p and v for transcription/transliteration purposes. If there is enough demand, I will create a fuller version of Intellark to allow typists with Farsi and Urdu letter needs the use.

If you be kind enough and if you are familiar with the idea behind Intellark's design methodology, which keys would you suggest for the Urdu/Farsi letters you mentioned?

ID: 114
By: Romanos
September 08, 2013
Votes: +1
Anglo-Arabic Orthography

Your creation of a revised Arabic keyboard is absolutely fantastic! Now, I can begin to seriously work on my method of writing the English language in Arabic characters. I call this method Anglo-Arabic. I learned to write in Arabic fluently by writing English phonetically for over 20 years, but only now, as I am heading into retirement, am I working out the formal structures and making the orthography consistent. I will have a website online soon to show and teach this method to others. My only criticism is that you have not allowed for the sounds that exist in other languages except Arabic (except for 'p' and 'v'), and so I cannot entirely write my method using your software. I borrowed چ (ch) and ژ (zh) from Farsi/Urdu, and I was using گ (g) also from Farsi, but after using your software, I've decided that غ can be used for (g) just as well. Also, I use an undotted ڡ to represent (v) instead of the three dot version that you use. There are a handful of other conventions that I have arrived at to deal with English vowel sounds, and a few special uses of Arabic consonants to help distinguish English homophones. I also use either three dot ڠ, which is not in your software, or nunation to denote (ng). With ة my Anglo-Arabic alphabet set has 34 letters, and uses all the vowel and diacritical marks that your software supplies. Five letters of standard Arabic are not used in native English words, but only in words borrowed from Arabic which preserve the Arabic spelling: ص, ض, ط, ظ, ق. Anyway, thanks again for making this easy way to keyboard type Arabic available.

ID: 105
By: omnia
November 18, 2011
Votes: +0


ID: 103
By: Cheryl
November 15, 2011
Votes: +0
I wish this worked different for urdu language

This application is good. It has the Urdu language or tongue. I wished there was one area that you type the English in one column and hit the button that would translate it into Urdu. Then another button to send it in text. I have bought 8 new programs which I spent money on and cant use them. I have new friends that just moved here and their
English isn't good. I want to help them. But I cant. Oh well, I lost money and time.

ID: 67
By: عبدالرازق
October 18, 2009
Votes: +0
Excellent Efforts

The suggestion by Shereif is a good one, i.e., using combined CTRL/SHFT keys for some of the Arabic alphabet
جاذاك الله خيرآ

ID: 62
By: Administrator
October 11, 2009
Votes: +0
responses (2)

Thank you for you comments so far and thank you for loving Intellark.

To Shareef @54:
Thanks Shareef. You said: "In this English comment box I can not write Arabic words using the above method". Did you press Control-L? That's what you do to toggle between languages. Also, once you highlight a word as bold, italic or underline, the results will show only with you add your comment. We may provide a WYSIWYG editor in the near future. As per your mapping suggestions, you suggested:

i) Shift(h) for ? , which is very reasonable, but Key g is unused in Arabic and is to the immediate left of Key h, it is therefore used for ? , see the discussion of Section 7.1.

ii) Shift + A for ? and Shift+ AA for ? , but Key a is already used for much more intuitive mappings (alif, its three modified forms and the hamza). True, when transliterating or transcribing ? into English we always depend on one of the vowels to do the work, but that vowel is not necessarily the letter a; for example, how would one transliterate عِبادة , and how about عُبادة ? The first would be something like ibaada, and the second would be something like obaada, right?

iii) Shift(t) for ? , please see discussion provided in Section 7.3, where we try to inject some logic behind such an assignment.

To Ahmad @58:
This is just the beginning, we have lined up i) google search in Intellark typing, ii) online web editor, iii) Arabic-2-English name transcriber, and iv) letter and word frequency analyzer, and these are just the beginning before another round of products.

To Abdullah @59:
You are right! As indicated in the introduction, Intellark is suitable the most for typists used to QWERTY and no other layout! If you are already familiar with the current Arabic layout and know where every Arabic-generating key is by heart, then you already have an advantage not enjoyed by the millions of us QWERTY typists, until the advent of Intellark that issmilies/wink.gif. Still, give us a try every now and then. For new learners, Arabic or English, Intellark provides the unchallenged advantage of making you transfer typing knowledge from one language to the other.

ID: 61
By: Asd
October 11, 2009
Votes: +0
ع ط ح can be better presented...

I like so much and i am thik i will use it alot in the future, cuz i dont have an arabic keyborad.

Just few comments, i think the letters ع ط ح can be better presented. I suggest that ح is will be easier if replaced by clicking h twice or number 7; ع clicking a twice, and ط clicking t twice or number 6..

Great work.....

ID: 60
By: Mahmoud
October 11, 2009
Votes: +0

I love it, Thank you

ID: 59
By: Abdullah
October 10, 2009
Votes: +1

The idea is good but it will be really difficult for those of us who adapted to the normal Arabic layout to adapt to this new one. But it is good for those who are still learning because it's much easier.

ID: 58
By: أحمد عوض
October 10, 2009
Votes: -1

I am really impressed by this brilliant idea. I think it will make arabic language writing very appealing and joyfull. I really congratulate you for this effort and I would expect that to be just a begining.

ID: 56
By: salma
October 09, 2009
Votes: +0

I like this keyboard layout very much I'm sure I'll use from now on. Thank you very much for it. I love it!

ID: 54
By: Shareef
October 08, 2009
Votes: +0
All keys to be sound related

In this English comment box I can not write Arabic words using the above method.
Above Comment Icons....Bold, Italic, Underline did not work for me.
Lesser reading of manual and providing tips that could be easily understood by a common person based upon sounds.

shift+ H for ح
ٍShift + A for ع
Shift+ AA for غ
Shift+T for ط

Good luck

ID: 53
By: Administrator
October 08, 2009
Votes: +0

Thank you all so far, your comments have helped us greatly in reshaping this tutorial and continue to do so.

To Safa @47:
Indeed, among Intellark objectives is to give typists with no Arabic character stickers similar advantages to those who do, yet without cluttering the keys with multilingual stickers.

To Noor @48:
Been struggling? You bet, that makes ... millions of us typists. Since 2002 I have asked questions and collected surveys about the current methods of typing in Arabic and the main response is ... struggling. I am glad to feel and hear that such a struggle is over. We are working on pleasant editors, online and offline to let you type away as you wish, using the same knowledge you have to type in English to let you freely type in Arabic.

To Noor @49:
I hear this a lot, since you added your comment this tutorial has been reduced in size by about 25%, and counting smilies/wink.gif.

To Tessneem @50:
Precisely, the main idea of Intellark is "we don't have to think about it much!" This is known as Knowledge Transfer, and you can't beat it when trying to learn how a new tools operates.

To Yara @52:
Thank you. In our modest opinion, all type-able letters should remain at the three rows where a touch-typist (TT) feels home (see; this allows a TT to type to their potential, without removing their hands from the home-position, and without having to travel to the top number row of the keyboard which is seldom memorized even by TTs.

Further, for natural writing from a visual perspective, the focus should be on what is currently being typed rather than what typing is going to flip into! Such tools could be suitable for single scattered words, but not for cohesive sentences, emails or essay writing in general. A great tool should not dazzle your eyes by keeping you guess "what's next?", rather, it should completely remain in the shadow while making everything else work for you.

Timer? You bet, we are working on that and will provide one soon to control the time among consecutive key-presses.

Your comment Yara about the mapping of Keys g, p, and x is true, we therefore did a bit of editing in Section 7 to provide more intuition in such maps, and ended with the statement shown directly above Exercise 8. You should notice also that the first sentence in Exercise 8 lists all those letters in lexicographical order, so all you have to remember is that Key c takes you to ص , and that ص takes to ض , and that since ص and ض are the next letters in order, so is Key x which is next to Key c when going from right to left. That leaves you with one key to learn! Key p. Hey, who said there is such thing as free lunch? smilies/cheesy.gif

ID: 52
By: Yara
October 06, 2009
Votes: +1

This is just brilliant! I added this to my favourites! It's way better than google/ta3reeb...
really brilliant.. but i have a comment about te (g) (p) (x)
'' I already memorized them ''
they're a bit confusing for elderly, AT THE START, but theywould ind it really cool afteward..
And, regaring the (A) 5 times' taps. it's a bit fast, if you make it slower so that the typer has the time to decide which (A) they're seeking.
one more thing,the (shaddeh) and all that,it adds some further confusion. but would dramatically help.
it's really smart and easy to use. I can say i am 85% of a good user of it now .

ID: 51
By: someone
September 30, 2009
Votes: +0

it's very nice smilies/smiley.gif
and it made it easier for me !
smart smilies/wink.gif

ID: 50
By: Tessneem
September 29, 2009
Votes: +1
realllly nice

i really liked the idea and the way we can type in arabic using english letters.. it made it much easier typing in arabic.. we don't even have to think about it much since we're used to writing arabic words in english. And its faster since most people don't have the arabic keyboard on their computers memorized..
The tutorial explained everything gr8 but it was kinda too long.. makes ppl skip through it more.. other than that, love it! this would come in handy for most people smilies/smiley.gif
keep up the gd work!! smilies/wink.gif

ID: 49
By: noor
September 27, 2009
Votes: +0
tutorial a bit too long?

i think the tutorial was a bit too long. it makes people lazier to go through it all and see what the point of everything is. otherwise, everything else is excellent!

ID: 48
By: noor
September 27, 2009
Votes: +0
very good!

i think this is an excellent keyboard layout. ive always struggled to type arabic and im so glad this is now available! im sure this will do very well in the market! keep up the good work! smilies/smiley.gif

ID: 47
By: safa
September 27, 2009
Votes: +1

this keyboard layout would make typing in arabic much easier, usually there arent arabic letters on keyboard keys so its very difficult to type in arabic but this keyboard would make it alot easier and less time consuming

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